segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2009

Consciência ou Coração?

Já não sei mais o que seguir... Minha consciência me diz uma coisa, enquanto meu coração me faz fazer outra, eu sei que só estou me machucando, e sei, que se eu seguir minha consciência essa dor passará mais rápido, mas não consigo ficar longe do que me faz sofrer! Não consigo me distanciar do que me faz amar. Queria alguma coisa para me guiar, um remédio pra curar a minha estupidez.
Eu sinceramente me considero uma pessoa inteligente, e consigo ver, como o coração faz ficarmos burros. E eu sou um burro nesse momento.
Não estou com toda a vontade de contar os acontecimentos, então vou apenar deixar a letra de uma música, e pedir desculpas por não postar nada decente!

Congratulations, I Hate You


No one ever said that life was fair and I'm not saying that it should be
So knowing that you are where you want to be and I'm not comes as no surprise
But don't expect me to be happy for you
And don't smile at me and tell me things will work out for me too
I don't want your pity! I hate your pity!

Taste your vanity!
Its sweet bitterness as you hide behind your veil of my stolen hopes and lost dreams
You took them all!
I watched you steal my thoughts and had to see you smile

As you build your dreams on my shattered hopes
I'll look back on a day once loved and fantasize for tragedy

Beg me to make this easier and listen to my hopeless cries

Suffer alone in emptiness
I lust to see you swallowed by the mess that you left in your wake
Disgust lies deep within your empty gaze!

Beg me to make this easier and listen as my hopeless cries
Send stares into your meaningless eyes

My envy can't describe how I loathe you for having all the stars
Leaving my eyes to marvel the sky knowing it should be mine
Yet it's you I see wasting the dream that only I deserve
I'll tear off your face to see your smile

As you build your dreams on my shattered hopes
I'll look back on a day once loved and fantasize for tragedy

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